Poner en escena el patrimonio tangible e intangible
Museums and exhibition centres acquire, conserve, communicate and exhibit the tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment, in order to tangible and intangible heritage of humanity and its environment, with the fundamental purpose of promoting and stimulating study, education and to promote and stimulate study, education and contemplation.
Cattaneo, G.; Guida, M. F.; Mandosi, M. (2017). Musei aperti al cambiamento. Bologna: Espera Edizioni.
Christllin, E.; Greco, C. (2021). Le memorie del futuro, musei e ricerca. Torino: Einaudi editore.
Davis, D. (1990). The museum transformed. Design and culture in the post-Pompidou Age. New York: Abbeville Press Inc.
Dorner, A. (1946). The Way Beyond “Art”. New York: Wittenborg Schultz.
Giannicheda, E.; Mannoni, T. (2000). Storia della cultura materiale e archeologia della produzione: l’esperienza ligure. In Archeologia A. Buko, P. Urbanczyk (red), Varsavia.
Hegel, G.W. F. (2021). Fenomenologia dello Spirito. Milano: Armando Editore.
Malagugini, M. (2008). Allestire per comunicare. Milano: Angelo Angeli.
Nardi, E. (2016). Musei e pubblico. Un rapporto educativo. Milano: Franco Angeli editore.
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