Las prácticas teóricas: Innovación y analogía biológica en las propuestas de eVolo Skyscraper Competition

  • Carlos G. Giménez
  • Marta Mirás
  • Julio Valentino
Keywords: Theoretical practices ; Biological analogy ; Theory ; eVolo ; Skyscrapers ; Project ; Descriptive memories


The main purpose of this paper is to investigate and propose relations between the projects and discourses in a biological key that were presented in the competition organised annually since 2006 by eVolo magazine (eVolo Skyscraper Competition), inviting architects, engineers, designers and artists to design innovative vertical buildings in relation to new technologies, new habitats and their link with their natural and built environments. 


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How to Cite
Giménez, C. G., Mirás, M., & Valentino, J. (2023). Las prácticas teóricas: Innovación y analogía biológica en las propuestas de eVolo Skyscraper Competition. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (178).