A Infografia como ferramenta de comunicação e inclusão

  • Marcus Aurelius Lopes Domiciano
  • Vânia Cristina Pires Nogueira Valente
##plugins.pubIds.doi.readerDisplayName##: https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi121.4377


The text examines how from technological advances benefit the infographics in the process of communication and inclusion of minorities. The objective is to analyze some infographic pieces produced in Brazil, Argentina and Mexico to detect their functionalities as a technological tool that relies on the complementarity between verbal and visual to transmit information. The evolution of infographics in Brazil has put the country at the forefront of production in Latin America, extrapolating the initial use in newspapers and magazines to encompass economy, marketing, sports, health, teaching, learning and encourage personal relationships. It discusses the ethical rules for presentation of infographics and how the online tools have collaborated so that lay people in the subject can get involved in the production. By incorporating videos, audios, interactivity, hypertexts, augmented reality and other technologies, the infographic takes on its multimedia nature and opens the way to possible new changes in the communication process.


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