Design-Arte Brasileiro: reverberações e transgressões que provocam a imaginação no objeto

  • Adriana Dornas
Palavras-chave: Design ; Design;Art – Brasilian Design ; Contemporary Design


Based on an epistemological approach to Design-Art, this article aims to present contemporary Brazilian Design-Art by investigates the dialogue and relations between design and art. The project process proposed by Design-Art creates new forms of language with a profusion of signs. This design segment has a hybrid nature, as it can be seen that designers incorporate criteria used by art. To this end, we chose to analyze the work of designers Juliana Vasconcellos and Matheus Barreto, which calls into question the hybridization and ambiguity of their objects. The work of these designers raises a question about the artistic character added to small scale production of numbered and signed or unique pieces. Based on this reasoning, the central point of the article is to reflect on how the design-art experimentation process integrates the relations between art and design. The essence of the text is to think of Design-Art linked to its proposed manifestations and experiments. In this sense, the article presents the peculiarities and strategies used by the two designers who confront the daily dimension of the object.


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Como Citar
Dornas, A. (2021). Design-Arte Brasileiro: reverberações e transgressões que provocam a imaginação no objeto. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (139).