Focus and scope

The journal “Ciencia y Tecnología” is an academic publication of School of Engineering at Universidad de Palermo. The thematic fields to which the joirnal is dedicated are:
- Electronics.
- Computer's science.
- Information technology.
- Energy.
- Sustainable engineering.
- Industrial processes.
- Control and Robotics.
- Telecommunications.

It is published in both digital and printed format, with an annual periodicity. It receives original academic articles in Spanish and English.

Process of peer review

The journal has the collaboration of evaluators, mainly external and outside both the editorial team and the Universidad de Palermo. The received article proposals are sent to be evaluated anonymously by two experts in the thematic field. The result of the evaluation can be: publishable-accepted; request modifications or not publishable-rejected.
The authors will be notified of the decision to accept or reject the manuscript. Likewise, they may be returned to introduce the modifications recommended by the evaluator(s) within the agreed deadlines. In the case of requesting modifications, the result of the second review is restricted to two possibilities: publishable-accepted, or not publishable-rejected.
The contributions submitted for evaluation must be strictly unpublished and cannot be simultaneously submitted to another publication.
To ensure the integrity of an anonymous, double-blind, and peer review of articles submitted to this journal, authors are asked to check that the text has been stripped of footnotes or epigraph where direct reference is indicated. to name/s, institutional affiliation or contact information that could provide clues about the authorship of the production.

Indexes and databases

The online catalog of the Library of the Universidad de Palermo allows access to the texts published in the journal.
Currently the journal is included in: Latindex, EBSCO, Cengage Learning, Dialnet, WorldCat and ROAD.

Open access policy

This journal provides open access to its content, based on the principle that providing the public with free access to research contributes to a greater global exchange of knowledge.
In addition, it does not charge any type of fee for publication or subscription. The entire evaluation and editing process is free.

Shipping service approved pending number assignment

The journal offers the service of Approved Submissions pending number assignment, for those manuscripts that:
a) were approved during the imminent publication of an issue oriented with a different theme, or
b) that it would be approved immediately after the recent publication of a new issue of the journal.

This service gives authors the possibility of having instant notification of approval by the journal in order to accredit the publication even if the full text of the article is not yet available for reading. The editorial team assumes the commitment to incorporate the approved writings (and made available under this special condition) as soon as possible, and in the next new issue of the journal.

Journal history

The journal has been published annually since 2001, initially exclusively in print, and then distributed -also- electronically through the OJS system.