Call for Papers

Authors are welcome to submit original and unpublished papers that have not simultaneously been submitted to other journals..

Science and Technology is an annual journal issued by the School of Engineering at the Universidad de Palermo. This publication covers different developments in various fields of interest, such as telecommunication, electronics, computer science, artificial intelligence, sustainable engineering, urban ecology, industries and industrial processes, information technologies and engineering education.

The journal includes various essays, summaries and reviews of research results, and meritorious papers by graduates, scholars and researchers from the Universidad de Palermo and different universities of the country and overseas.

In order to ensure the quality of the materials to be published, a Review Committee has been formed to assess the different works through a meticulous peer review process.

Science and Technology (ISSN 1850-0870) is listed in the Latindex Directory and Catalogue and will be soon included in Dialnet and EBSCO.

Important Dates and deadlines:

  • Paper submission deadline: July 5th, 2013
  • Peer review  by members of the Review Committee: September 20th, 2013
  • Paper submission (after reviewers suggestions): October 18th, 2013
  • Final version of the paper will be accepted: November 11th, 2013


Submission guidelines:

The following information will be displayed on the front page of the issue:

  • Main Title: centered, in Times New Roman 16-point, boldface type
  • Subtítle: if one, centered, in Times New Roman 14-point, boldface type 
  • Name(s), affilation(s) and email of the author(s) in Times New Roman 12-point 

An abstract of the paper should also be placed on the front page. It consists of a paragraph, 100-250 words, briefly describing the work to be discussed in the paper and/or giving a concise summary of the findings. Up to five keywords should be placed below. 

All the text must be in a one-column format without indentation.

The full main text will start on the second page according to the following guidelines:


  • Article extension: between 10.000 and 25.000 characters (including spaces).
  • A4 paper.
  • Right and left margins: 3 cm; top and bottom: 2.5 cm.
  • Text in Times New Roman 12-point normal type, singlespaced.
  • Text fully justified.
  • First and second-order Headings: Times New Roman 12-point boldface.
  • Bibliographical references and notes: at the end of the article.
  • Style: “The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association” (APA rules) should be followed. 

Annexes are not accepted.

Images should be presented in true size, tif o jpg 300 dpi format, in grey scale. (C&T is not printed in colours).

An in-text citation for any images, illustrations, photographs, diagrams, tables or figures reproduced in the work should be provided, as well as a full reference.

All images, in adition, should be attached in a tif or jpg file, separated from the Word file.

For further information:

or please contact the Editorial Coordinator,