Call for papers 2022 Special issue: Computer Vision.


Ciencia y Tecnología (Science and Technology journal) invites authors interested in submitting unpublished manuscripts to be evaluated within the framework of the launch of a special issue oriented to Computer Vision.

Different types of articles can be submitted, such as: illustrate research results, projects, topographical works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the area.

All papers submitted must strictly comply with the standards, publication criteria, and must be uploaded through the journal's website, generating a user-author profile (OJS system).
Format Guidelines

Ciencia y Tecnología (ISSN 1850-0870, e-ISSN 2344-9217) is included in the Directory of Latindex and also in the catalogs of Dialnet, EBSCO and Cengage Learning

Deadline for receipt of writings: until August 31, 2022.
Publication of the number: December 2022.

Guest editors:
- MSc. Dario Perez Principi,
- Prof. Sergio Escalera,

If you have any questions, there is an email address available to provide support: