Un mechatronic method, to achieve savings in single-phase active energy in electric motors, higher than that obtained with the "Fan Law"
It is a mechatronic method, to achieve savings in single-phase active energy, higher than that obtained with the "Fan Law" in electrical machines applied to ventilation. The quantitative methods of analysis were based on electrotechnical techniques, practiced with the corresponding laboratory instruments on the work materials. The results found from the experimentation in the test bench were reflected in tables that collect the data of formulas, values and physical units. The discussion makes a complete comparative study; mainly between power (watts), active energy consumption (kwh) and rotational speed (RPM). The PMSM type synchronous motor coupled with an RL mechatronic circuit design performs mechanical work at its full speed of 3000 (RPM) with only 6.3 (Watts). This translates as a 75% lower active power, with a 44% superiority in speed, which is summarized in a saving of 75% of single-phase active energy (kWh).
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