Unification of the modeling equations of renewable energy systems

  • Cecilia E Sandoval-Ruiz Instituto de Matemática y Cálculo Aplicado - Universidad de Carabobo
Keywords: LFSR operator network, mathematical physics, pattern compensation, renewables energy


In this article, a modeler for renewable energy systems is proposed, based on LFSR (Linear Feedback Shift Register) circuit networks, selecting these mathematical operators, since they allow considering the direct gain of the collector arrangement, the past states of potential energy and relation switching behavior of fluid dynamics and wave phenomena between the elements of the array and the environment. The objective of this research is to establish a theoretical relationship between the parameters of the physical system and the mathematical operator. In addition to considering the terms of alignment, recovery of residual energy components and reestablishment of equilibrium conditions to advance the concept of regenerative systems. The analysis method consists of the identification of analogies of the physical system with applied technologies and mathematical concepts. The result is a parametric equation on the convolutional operator, with interpretation of the coefficients of the physical system. It was possible to establish a generalized model of fractal approach by intervals: linear stage, recursive stage and wave stage, which is associated with bounded sets in extended finite fields. The conclusion is that a network of LFSR operators is emerging as universal extended field modelers, with dynamic tuning capacity.


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Author Biography

Cecilia E Sandoval-Ruiz, Instituto de Matemática y Cálculo Aplicado - Universidad de Carabobo

Ingeniera Electricista en 2002, mención Sistemas y Automática, Magister en Ingeniería Eléctrica en 2007, y Doctora en Ingeniería en 2014, egresada de la Universidad de Carabobo.  Profesora Titular de Postgrado de Ingeniería de la Universidad de Carabobo, Investigadora Nivel C acreditada por el Programa de Estímulo a la Investigación e Innovación PEII. En las áreas de Investigación son: Hardware Reconfigurable, Diseño con Tecnologías Sostenibles, Sistemas de Control Programable, Redes Neuronales aplicadas al procesamiento de señales para dispositivos FPGA, Investigación Colaborativa, Modelado de Sistemas en lenguaje VHDL.


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