Method to complement the generation of web application codes from UML Class Diagram

  • Adolfo Vega Fajardo AVF
Keywords: Programming Technique, Object Oriented Programming, Layer Architecture, Code Generation Method


In the development of web applications the greatest effort is focused on the generation of code, however, the research work on code generation is focused on solving design problems, in addition the case tools generate limited or incomplete code and do not have the specifications formal for web application development. In this article, we propose a new approach to complete the generation of codes from the UML class diagram, the approach is based on analyzing the file of the class diagram and then generating the code; we have defined a design model as a meta-model, the model has the formalism of the architecture by layers and is represented by a profile with an XML extension, the lines of XML code are extracted from the file that contains the class diagram, they are compared with the meta-model through algorithms and then the code is generated for web applications; a tool has been developed to validate our proposal between the generation of automatic code and the generation of manual code; using the generation time indicator, we show that code generation is reduced by more than 98%.


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