Brechas y etnicidad. Personajes judíos violentos en películas de Argentina, Uruguay y Venezuela

  • Tzvi Tal
Keywords: allegory; discursiveap; ethnicity; jews; otherness


This article focuses on the novel appearance of violent Jewish characters in Latin American films from three societies crossed by deep social, political and discursive gaps: Argentina, Uruguay and Venezuela. Starting from the premise that the image of the Jew in the cinema can be read allegorically as an indicator of the processes of the National Identity, by pointing out the limits of cultural Inclusion and Exclusion, the article argues that this new type of cinematographic character expresses the anxiety caused by the polarization of the public discourse, that could unleash political violence. The threat is not represented by external factors, such as a xenophobic image of the new waves of migration in the era of Globalization, but within the National community itself, to whose imagined homogeneity the image of included Jewish Otherness has contributed. It refers to the films Diablo (Loreti, Argentina, 2011), Relatos Salvajes (Szifrón, Argentina, 2014), Reus (Piñeiro and Fernandez y Pi, (Uruguay, 2011), Ms. Kaplan (Brechner, Uruguay, 2014), Esclavo de Dios (Novoa (Argentina / Venezuela / Uruguay, 2013). Except for the first, all the rest were produced with the support of the Iberoamerican Audiovisual Program (Ibermedia).


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How to Cite
Tal, T. (2019). Brechas y etnicidad. Personajes judíos violentos en películas de Argentina, Uruguay y Venezuela. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (77), pp. 17-27.