Mirtha Dermisache : L’écriture autre, à elle-même

  • Florent Fajole
Keywords: Mirtha Dermisache; Artists’ book; Dispositif editorial; Asemic writings; Process art


Mirtha Dermisache (Buenos Aires, 1940-2012) is the author of a wide production of asemic writings using western expression and communication formats, to which she systematically gave a publishing finality from the very beginning. “My work, she stated, does not mean anything. It only makes sense when someone expresses himself through it”. The author of this article presents the way he, as a publisher, undertakes the challenge of such an invitation. The aim is to highlight their implications on the work apparatus or configuration (from the French “dispositif”). Then the question of Time appears as a key aspect of the work, both in the writings because of their permanent movement and in the publishing phase, which is explored as an actualization process.


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How to Cite
Fajole, F. (2019). Mirtha Dermisache : L’écriture autre, à elle-même. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (75), 83-97. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi75.1024