Teaching to Transition Design: A Case Study on Design Agility, Design Ethos, and Dexign Futures

  • Peter Scupelli
Keywords: design pedagogy; Transition Design; values based-design; design ethos; design agility; dexign futures; futures thinking; short-term horizon design; long-term horizon design; temporal design alignment


Design educators struggle to teach basic skills in traditional design courses needed for Transition Design practice. Transition Design’s systems level change for societal sustainability poses three challenges: (a) What design experiences best prepare students to engage in systems-level change for societal-level sustainable futures? (b) What might be a scaled down Transition Design project for a semester-long studio course? (c) What design skills are needed to facilitate diverse human coalitions to pursue societallevel sustainability? In this paper, I describe fundamental design skill exercises introduced through three design courses to prepare students for Transition Design-type challenges.


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How to Cite
Scupelli, P. (2019). Teaching to Transition Design: A Case Study on Design Agility, Design Ethos, and Dexign Futures. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (73), 111 a 132. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi73.1041