Las performances musicales en las misiones jesuitas de guaraníes

  • Natalia Aguerre
Keywords: music; performance; strategic communication


This article will attempt to explain how music, sounds and singing/dancing used by the jesuits along the process of social intervention of argentinian guarani communities during the Spanish Conquest in order to remove and re-significate guarani rituals habits and adapt them to christian mood. We will investigate the first encounters between the two groups to observe how those priests used music as a means to prompt guarani sensitiveness which would allow the jesuits reduce the guarani. We shall then observe how, after the constitution of these reductions guarani, sounds and singing/dancing were resignificated ant them, to what extent these christian aesthetic musical drama allowed the jesuits the creation of actions where the guarani could internalize new behavious, habits and sensibilities. For the analysis we shall use the category of performance as a strategic communication (Aguerre, 2015) defined as the public scenification of aesthetic drama within a process of cultural and social design where sensitiveness and participation were strategic actions for social transformation (Massoni y Pérez, 2009).


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How to Cite
Aguerre, N. (2019). Las performances musicales en las misiones jesuitas de guaraníes. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (71), 61 a 74.

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