Jago de Ralf König: historieta sexo-disidente o cómo volver porno y queer a Shakespeare

  • Facundo Saxe
Keywords: Queer; Shakespeare; Comic; König


This article analyzes the graphic novel Jago (1998) by Ralf König from a queer perspective. The case is approached as an example of König’s uses of the highest and canonical tradition, which is resignified or reformulated from a subversive position proper to the queer comic. As a result, the graphic novel by König is part of a constellation of comic strips that are configured around the rewriting or visualization of a queer cultural past. In this framework, the issues that can locate Jago as a story that makes sexual dissidence visible are emphasized. This operation is part of the creative project of König and allows us to think about the queer reformulation of Shakespeare and his work, as well as other topics present in the comic books of the German author.


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How to Cite
Saxe, F. (2019). Jago de Ralf König: historieta sexo-disidente o cómo volver porno y queer a Shakespeare. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (74), 169 a 179. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi74.1103