Modos de decir y modos de ser: palabra e ideología en el taller de diseño

  • Mabel Amanda López
Keywords: language and ideology; workshop dialogue; communication strategies; dialogic interaction; design teaching; communication cultures; teacher´s communication skills; communication in the workshop as social praxis


What is the contribution of the word to design teaching? Verbal mediation is fundamental for the development of didactic instances: exposition, work instructions, colloquiums, project criticism. The imposition of one language on another is not insignificant; the word never exhausts the latent meanings of graphic language.

Specifically in individual reviews, teacher and student interact through the word; they also speak with their gestures, laughter and silence. As a result of the analysis, a triadic model emerges to characterize the functions of the teacher’s word (verbal, gestural, graphic). The teacher is involved in the student’s project 1) asking, 2) theoretically reformulating and 3) proposing resolutions. These strategies mark the scene, depending on the position adopted. The dialogical skills of the teachers facilitate or obturate the communication. In turn, the implicit contract that will guide the dialogue, as an intersubjective praxis, has a direct implication in the performance of both parties involved.


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How to Cite
López, M. A. (2019). Modos de decir y modos de ser: palabra e ideología en el taller de diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (67), 187 a 213.