La construcción de la cosmovisión durante la enseñanza

  • Ana María Romano
Keywords: teaching; learning; cosmovision; project thinking; design


The teaching of design, by the very characteristics of their doing, tends to keep tacit the arguments that support it, nevertheless, during the training they build in the students the approach on the discipline. This process, which is carried out in an institutional framework, is planned by the professorships that dictate the subject under the pedagogical proposal of each of the titular teachers, which will be finally interpreted and implemented by the teachers of his team, in direct link with the students. The students, on the other hand, come with their life histories and their background of previously acquired conceptions in their familiar and social context and their previous formation, from which they are going to incorporate the new knowledge, modifying these preexisting structures. The diversity of proposals and protagonists that converge in the framework of the teaching invite to reflect on the different instances that shape these conceptions of the students during the learning of design and that build their future professional profile and their cosmovision, while in the professional practice these conceptions are going to be transferred to the designed objects, directly influencing the users and the habitat with which they interact. The possibility of making this process transparent in each of the professorships could allow for the critical analysis and revision of the objectives and practices presented and to evaluate the consequences once implemented, in order to improve teaching, to increase knowledge of reality and increase social commitment.


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How to Cite
Romano, A. M. (2019). La construcción de la cosmovisión durante la enseñanza. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (67), 215 a 234.