Material for knitwear: a new contemporary design scenario

  • Giovanni Maria Conti
Keywords: Knitwear Design; Cross Fertilization; Innovation; Design Thinking; Yarns; Materials


In the actual globalized context in which the cross-fertilization among disciplines and different fields of project mixes together forms, systems and processes, Knitwear Design can make the difference in the production and in the consumption of the products.  Actually they are real insights on the various issues that characterize this area; today designing in very specific areas such as Italian knitwear, made of artists, designers, spinners, companies, perpetually poised between tradition and manual industrial product, makes research a really complicated challenge.  In contemporary scenarios knitwear design is a complex process, combining ancient techniques of traditional knowledge with experimentation and technological innovation. It’s a challenge that feeds the curiosity and the desire to seek more.


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How to Cite
Conti, G. M. (2019). Material for knitwear: a new contemporary design scenario. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (70), 125 a 134.