Slow+Design as sustainable sensoriality: an innovative approch aimed to explore the new relationships among design, innovation and sustainability

  • Giulio Ceppi
Keywords: Sustainability; Sensoriality; Slow approach; Innovation; System design; Changment by doing


Starting from the Slow Food experience and its international success, the author, together with Giacomo Mojoli (former vicepresident of Slow Food) starts to question about the trasfer of the slow approach into design practice. 

This means discussing whether and how design can contribute in the field of systems and steer the transformations underway towards sustainable ways of living and producing. The Sustainable Sensoriality expression wants to combine both worlds of sensoriality and sustainability, conceptual and operational dimensions of design, but deeply practiced into the authors’s activities as architect and designer and explicited in many teaching practices and design case histories.


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How to Cite
Ceppi, G. (2019). Slow+Design as sustainable sensoriality: an innovative approch aimed to explore the new relationships among design, innovation and sustainability. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (70), 135 a 146.