Frente el autoritarismo,la creación. La experiencia de AIDA y su relectura en el film El Exilio de Gardel (Fernando Solanas, Francia /Argentina, 1985)

  • Moira Cristiá
Keywords: international solidarity; transnational history; exile; artists; Human Rights; The Exile of Gardel


In October 1979, a group of French and foreign artists and intellectuals headed by theater director Ariane Mnouchkine created AIDA (Association Internationale de défense des artistes victimes de la répression dans le monde), with the aim of denouncing censorship and violations of Human Rights of artists in different countries. The Association proposed creative actions, in order to exert international pressure on the victimization regimes. Founded in Paris, AIDA was deployed in several french cities, in other european countries and in the United States, using member networks to articulate actions. The case of the repression of the Argentine dictatorship deserved an important campaign of repudiation, boosted by the presence of some argentine exiles in the executive committee of the association. Under the title One hundred argentine artists who disappeared, a series of demonstrations of solidarity were coordinated in different cities, including marches, paintings and postcards, as well as a book on cultural repression in Argentina published in Paris, and shortly afterwards in Madrid. The biggest manifestation of AIDA of this campaign, a particular march in Paris on November 14, 1981, was filmed, among others, by argentine filmmaker Fernando Solanas, an active member of the Association. The experience of exile, and of AIDA in particular, appear as raw material of his fiction film The Exile of Gardel (El Exilio de Gardel, 1985), as well as the images captured on that day are incorporated into the film. Based on little explored archives (written and visual documents, correspondence), press and interviews, this article will try to outline the action taken by AIDA and analyze the way in which Fernando Solanas built his work reelaborating the memory of his experience in the Association. The study of this film will allow to collaborate, from an empirical analysis, to the reflection and theorization on the function of creation as a space of resistance, of action in the transnational public sphere and of memory of personal and collective life experiences.


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How to Cite
Cristiá, M. (2019). Frente el autoritarismo,la creación. La experiencia de AIDA y su relectura en el film El Exilio de Gardel (Fernando Solanas, Francia /Argentina, 1985). Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (68), 75 a 92.