Moda y comida: una alianza que predice hechos económicos

  • Marcia Veneziani
Keywords: luxury; simplicity; food; fashion; art; economic crisis; identity


The extreme tendencies between luxury and simplicity become evident from the most surprising places. Clothing and food express that both traditional and contemporary art as a mode of expression, sophistication, and increasingly excessive differentiation. Two basic needs to establish them merge into the foundation of the artistic, integrating consumer participation. Where do these crossings arise? Why and when do they occur? Some countries use the synergy between the links of their culinary traditions and fashion to launch the “made in” and thus express their national identities. The link between clothing and food (apparently high) have been linked for several years to bring out not only the global and local economic crises, but also to show how luxury passes for the simplicity of the basics.


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How to Cite
Veneziani, M. (2019). Moda y comida: una alianza que predice hechos económicos. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (64), 17 a 24.