El tiempo y la materia, atributos del nuevo lujo

  • Ximena González Eliçabe
Keywords: art; design; craft; production; teaching; tradition; popular; exclusive; inclusive; cultural tradition; rito; function; meanings; evolution; shape; imbrication; sustainability


The artistic sensibility of a people is reflected in the objects produced and used. There is a dialog between art, design, and craftsmanship. The field of design is closely following the stimuli of art, yet for craft to survive the invasion of industrial products, it must adapt and meet design criteria (aesthetic, functional and quality), while addressing the product’s innovation without losing its authenticity. The emergence of a new way of designing, from sustainable premises and with a strong local identity, bears witness to the long process of examining local art, and the complex relationships between artisan production and contemporary design. So Rural and urban communities can work collaboratively on the development of new regional, traditional products with authentic, aesthetic, and conceptual values, thus pointing to different markets that demand originality and sustainability. It is understood today that these values are attributes of a new luxury.


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How to Cite
González Eliçabe, X. (2019). El tiempo y la materia, atributos del nuevo lujo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (64), 55 a 63. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi64.1205

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