Creación y operaciones de transformación: aportes para una retórica del diseño

  • Claudio Eiriz
Keywords: audiovisual rethoric; musical rethoric; degree 0; Roland Barthes; Jaques Durand; image; sound; creativity; design


Or musical form? The question is not capricious. There is a “family resemblance” between the mechanisms from which we know the world and at the same time we recognize ourselves in it. This paper assumes that design, as any act of knowledge, is not a field that is merely “inspired”. All creation implies, among other things, that the designer taps into a repertoire of processing operations that are expressed –as Jacques Durand could see in the ancient figures of rhetoric. First we will try to articulate this repertoire of operations with related concepts such as proto-narrative and degree 0. Second, a “table of elements” that accounts for all possible operations will be outlined. In addition, we´ll make special emphasis on the rhetoric of audiovisual and generating resources of musical form. This study is part of a tradition that has its origins in the work of Roland Barthes about the rhetoric of the image and aims to contribute to the construction of a meta-theory of design and creation processes.


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How to Cite
Eiriz, C. (2019). Creación y operaciones de transformación: aportes para una retórica del diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (64), 65 a 83.

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