El cuerpo como territorio

  • Daniela V. Di Bella
Keywords: body; image; new conceptualization; pos modernism; iconography; aesthetics; identity; complexity; sustainable; interdiscipline


The body, in contemporary society, is a space for reconceptualization. Postmodernism is rewriting an iconography and a particular body aesthetic around the “commodity-image”. This new image impacts the different categories of the social, fictional, performative, and fashionable, which in turn alters the construction of the individual’s and the collective’s identities. The design of clothing in particular has created a new relationship between apparel and the body. It is now necessary to reflect on the different visions of this relationship that has not always been a sustainable relationship. The post-industrial design society has new challenges to solve through interdisciplinary engagement; these mark the present and the future of design processes, teaching, and design practices.


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How to Cite
Di Bella, D. V. (2019). El cuerpo como territorio. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (64), 137 a 152. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi64.1210

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