Cortos de moda, un género en auge

  • Daniela Ceccato
Keywords: cinematographic language; fashion and cinema; fashion brands; fashion short-film; film directors; internet


This paper addresses the fashion short-film as a new trend in fashion industry.

The brands, both luxury and mass, choose the language of film to promote themselves. Within this framework, they select famous actresses and prestigious filmmakers (like Martel- Miu Miu and Polanski-Prada). The aim is to convey the lifestyle that represents the brand.

Courreges chosen lifestyle concept rather than fashion, because the appearance of pret-aporter created a new social actor concerned more to represent beauty, youth and seduction rather than social position. On the other hand, according to Riviere, cinema inaugurated a new cultural phase: the moving image. The film, continues the author, has produced since its commercialization, “new myths and fantastic dreams” and has become a way “for the control and the imposition of values and role models”. In the fifties, cinema will meet on television, a more massive and popular media, a strong competition for the imposition of aesthetic models. Today, Internet is the new player on this scenario with its massive and global coverage. Fashion meets the cinema in order to articulate new stories or, as Muzzle Valeriano says, “the artistic images open a fictional world that allows us to look at ours.” 


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How to Cite
Ceccato, D. (2019). Cortos de moda, un género en auge. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 23 a 34.