El cine come metalenguaje. Haciendo visible el código de la moda

  • Fernando Mazás
Keywords: allegory; Barthes; Benjamin; cinema; code; fetish; ideology; metalanguage; fashion; Zizek


Through the analysis of the role of clothing and characterization in the classic film Vertigo (1958) by Alfred Hitchcock, this article aims mainly consisted of the prospects of Walter Benjamin, Roland Barthes and Slavoj Zizek theoretical framework, the system shows fashion of his usual role and fomenter surface of conspicuous consumption, to propose that to be combined with the visual system, creates a powerful critique, able to shed light on some of the most dense ideological discourses that shape the social imaginary.


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How to Cite
Mazás, F. (2019). El cine come metalenguaje. Haciendo visible el código de la moda. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 141 a 151. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi58.1259