Imágenes de la otredad. Arte, política y cuerpos residuales en Daniel Santoro

  • Laura Ruiz
Keywords: civilization / barbarism; Myth; otherness; painting art; Peronismo; political world; symbolic world


In this article the work of Daniel Santoro are analyzed in order to examine the discourse of certain paintings in particular and all of them as a series. It takes into consideration the represented social and political body to discuss the socialization of the concept of creation in the interaction between history, society and the artist. In this linkage we analyze the emergence of the other as barbaric, as an excess or residual bodies in the visual discourse. This intrusion operates in order to remove a pre-existing harmony in a political and symbolic world in which the repressed returns as myth. Pictorial stories put a shape or a nostalgic state of the past and search for the lost, not by way of regret but proposed fight to undo an image and make another on the scale of imaginative values.


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How to Cite
Ruiz, L. (2019). Imágenes de la otredad. Arte, política y cuerpos residuales en Daniel Santoro. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (58), 255 a 265.