La escuela en escena: las películas como signos mediadores de la formación crítico-reflexiva de profesores1

  • Mônica Ferreira Mayrink
Keywords: teacher training; reflection; movies; sign


The aim of this article is to discuss how movies could be important mediators signs for teacher training. After an initial discussion on the concept of critical-reflective training we will discuss the value of the image as one of the tools that dominate contemporary communication, and will stand the potential of movies and fiction to create opportunities for the construction of new knowledge and experiences. Also, we will discuss the role of movies as mediator signs in reflective teacher education. To illustrate the effects of such signs in the development of the reflective stance of teachers, we present some evidence of the problems faced by teachers in a course of initial training, resulting from their exposure to movies featuring teachers and students play different educational situations.


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How to Cite
Ferreira Mayrink, M. (2019). La escuela en escena: las películas como signos mediadores de la formación crítico-reflexiva de profesores1. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (56), 35 a 51.