Imagen, memoria y Nación. La historia del Perú en sus imágenes primigenias

  • Leopoldo Lituma Agüero
Keywords: iconography; imagination; history; basic education; Peru


After Indepence, the building became iconographic indispensable due to the need for education in the country´s history from a vernacular perspective. But foreigners were the first to set about the research and compilation of national history from its origins. Those texts, no pictures yet, were used in the emerging nineteenth century Peruvian education. In the early twentieh century came the first illustrated textbooks, wich incorporated images taken from foreign publications, some with a view of what happened european vision in these lands. Other publications less idealized helped with his drawings and print to the visual history of the country, and when they were incorporated into the books for basic education, helped create a collective imagination.

This paper shows the main sources of iconography that served to educate the school population of the early twentieth century. Research also schows how these primordial images were taken as true in different situations concerning the history of Peru and how these have influenced in the national (un) consciousness; facts corroborated by other sociological research.


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How to Cite
Lituma Agüero, L. (2019). Imagen, memoria y Nación. La historia del Perú en sus imágenes primigenias. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (56), 123 a 135.