Vida líquida, teatro y narración en las propuestas escénicas de Mariano Pensotti

  • Andrea Pontoriero
Keywords: contemporary argentine theater; identity crisis; Liquid Modernity; theater and storytelling


Zygmunt Bauman defines “the liquid modern society” as the one in which “the
lives of its members change before acting forms habits are strengthened [...] Liquid Life as
liquid modern society, can not maintain its shape or direction “(Bauman: 9) In this essay
we will work on the staging of Past is a grotesque animal by Mariano Pensotti, premiered
at the Sarmiento Theater in February 2010. The interest of this work lies in the director’s
intention in building a storytelling in the way of the “world novels” or the sweeping narratives of the nineteenth century, where a unleashed fiction is contained by a precise temporal and historical context” but using minimum scenic resources”: the play is performed by
only four actors. Locked in a rotating disc that moves permanently themselves undertake
the heroic task of narrating and representing the multiplicity of stories, bringing to life
dozens of characters and situations” (Pensotti, 2011). The work will attempt to make a
cross between the various interactions, scenic devices that combine to assemble a proposal
that tries to work the concept of narrative in a theatrical performing crosses between reality, the everyday, the recent historical context, all in a constant discourse of the temporal
axis in which present is diluted, it escapes and becomes liquid, impossible to organize and
classify into a rigid structure.


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How to Cite
Pontoriero, A. (2019). Vida líquida, teatro y narración en las propuestas escénicas de Mariano Pensotti. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (50), 15 a 24.

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