Tecnología y organizaciones: de la comprensión a la intervención

  • Edison Otero
Keywords: communication media; interaction; organizational communication; organizations; planning; technology


The article presents the problematic of the complex interaction of technology in the
scope of the present organizational structures. In the present globalised scene, no organization
would have to choose the opacity and the survival isolated in a territory of technological and
communicational multiple interactions.
The communicational practices within an organization happen to comprise of the ampler medial resources of their members. It cannot seem irrelevant to consider that the new communicational interactions based on Internet, are multimedia, allow the own creation of contents, the
homing emission and the selection in the reception process.
It would be a nonsense to manage a communicational change in an organization in which the
platforms available are underneath, in cover and format, of the personal communicational
practices of his members.

It turns out reasonable, therefore, to formulate the planning of technological changes in the
organizations on the basis of the knowledge of the external and internal scenes, and the practices of his members. Simple voluntarism, the mere desire to be up-to-date or ignorance of the
technological practices, usually are the worse advisors for an intervention that it looks for to
be successful.


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How to Cite
Otero, E. (2019). Tecnología y organizaciones: de la comprensión a la intervención . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (40), 107 a 114. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v40i40.1444