La importancia del coaching en las PYMES como factor estratégico de cambio

  • María A. Rosa Dominici
Keywords: coaching; organizational change; Leadership; Motivation; training; development; conflict; Climate; Culture; internal communication


The capacity of SMEs companies to change their production structure more
easily than large companies, should be their greatest competitive advantage, especially in
Argentina´s market, unstable and submitted to the continuous pressure from the ups and
downs in the economy. Inflation and restriction of consumption are some of the most
significant problems in the current context. In this situation, the practice of Coaching
is an essential tool to implement in SMEs, representing a support system that facilitates
companies the efficient adaptation to organizational changes, improve vertical, horizontal
and ascending communication, predisposes to collaboration, teamwork and consensus
among employees and even promotes the discovery and development of potential
individual skills.


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Tessi, M. (2012) Comunicación Interna en la Práctica. (1° Ed.) Buenos Aires: Granica.

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How to Cite
Dominici, M. A. R. (2019). La importancia del coaching en las PYMES como factor estratégico de cambio. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (57), 137 a 145.