Los nuevos caminos de la comunicación: las experiencias multisensoriales

  • Allan McCrea Steele
Keywords: 360º Communication; Brand Experience; communication plans; communicational management; Corporate Communication; Corporate Image; Customer Communications; Integrated Communications; Marketing Communications ; Multisensorial Communication; Organization; public; Public Relations.


The present work approaches what is called today Multisensorial Communication, in which the creativity of
human language acquires an even greater relevance as a generating vehicle of new contents to arrive at the consumer. The
article describes the scenario where communication has been evolving to - scheme in which no longer the traditional
models or channels are sufficient - with the aim of identifying opportunities, capitalizing benefits and to reach effectively
the audiences in which companies want to position itself institutionally, or towards where the brands need to go in order
to manage `to sell´ its products. The long term communication 360º and vision that offer the public relations, will allow the
brands to find the best situations to be with its consumers against this background of senses and experiences.


Grunig, J. y Hunt, T. (1984). Managing Public Relations. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

How to Cite
McCrea Steele, A. (2019). Los nuevos caminos de la comunicación: las experiencias multisensoriales . Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 137 a 142. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi28.1498