La comunicación de crisis

  • Hernán Stella
Keywords: communicational management; Corporate Communication; Corporate Image; Crisis Communication; Crisis Management; external public; internal public; Organization; plans of communication; public opinion; Public relations; strategy


Crisis communication –known as well as Crisis management– registers in one of the categories of the
Public Relations communication management. This specialization of the profession has, like the rest of the areas of
communicational management, its own particular characteristics, in relation to the previous activity, during and later
to the facts. Due to the magnitude of the exposure to the public opinion that a company or organization obtains during
a corporate crisis, it is essential to count on a solid and prepared team whose experience and ability are fundamental to
confront and to surpass a troubled situation, always preserving the Positive Image of the organization.


Bernays, E. (1998). Cristalizando la Opinión Pública. Barcelona: Gestión 2000.

Rojas Orduña, O. (2002, diciembre). La comunicación en momentos de crisis. Razón y Palabra, 30. Recuperado el 10/01/08 de

Wilcox, D., Cameron G. y Xifra J. (2001). Relaciones Públicas, Estrategias y Tácticas. 7 edición. Madrid: Pearson Education.

How to Cite
Stella, H. (2019). La comunicación de crisis. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (28), 155 a 160.