El hombre como hacedor del paisaje

  • Blanca Rotundo
  • María Isabel Pérez Molina
Keywords: Landscape; City; Crises; Identity; Education; Citizenship; Social Networks; Society of Knowledge; Multi-sector


To conceive the man like creator and person in charge in the construction of the environment is not a novel
idea. It is possible to assume that, sometimes, is usual to forget that the man inhabits the same environment that he
constructs and/or destroys day after day. Sometimes, the space of everybody becomes a space of anybody, in a non-place
journeyed by many people who do not consider it a property space. Society and culture are two faces of a same currency.
To promote the fantasy that we live in a global society, with a global culture means to lose some perspective of the indicators of a regional identity. In such sense, it is possible that the crisis of the man in their environment is almost irreversible.
The construction of a full citizenship will be vital, with a man who learns to watch to himself, and could be recognized by
another member of a certain community. The plural, open and democratic participation of the majority of the citizens, will
be able to rescue us of some abysses. The democratic man is not born, is constructed through the education. As well as he
is constructed to the multidisciplinary glance and the multi-sector actions.


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How to Cite
Rotundo, B., & Pérez Molina, M. I. (2019). El hombre como hacedor del paisaje. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (30), 191 a 200. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi30.1517