Arte, Diseño y nuevos medios. La variación de la noción de inmaterialidad en los territorios virtuales.

  • Fernando Luis Rolando
Keywords: Art; Design; emerging; hyperrealist; instantly; interactivity; intuition; Material; pattern – Plague; Psyche; space technology; zen


The present work is one reflective and analytical about the variation of the concept of immateriality within the
digital world exploring its specificity in different supports and his mutable character from the contribution of
technological media which they tend to stump the borders that exist between the intangible world of human
psyche, its operations within the virtual world and its determining influence on running of the real world.


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How to Cite
Rolando, F. L. (2019). Arte, Diseño y nuevos medios. La variación de la noción de inmaterialidad en los territorios virtuales. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (24), 57 a 65.

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