La producción televisiva. Retos del diseñador audiovisual

  • Julieta Sepich
Keywords: Audience-show; audiovisual designer; discourse; fictions; fragmentation; language; mark television producer


The project summarizes described triggering elements within television production in order to offer an appropriate diagnosis on the decisive roles at the audiovisual sphere. It is an attempt to abstract the concepts obtained from the analytic case practice on Argentine air television in order to give a deep thought on the complexities of the setting, and raise questions and offer solutions which will allow to optimize the setting’s potential. The research constitutes –at the same time- the condition of the issues concerning production and draws up some contributions for those professionals who are working out strategies to benefit the television media by means of a proposal from the innovative profile of the television producer.
The research work presented has been done within the framework of the Postgraduate Scholarship Program of the Design and Communication Studies Centre of the School of Design and Communication, Universidad de Palermo.


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How to Cite
Sepich, J. (2019). La producción televisiva. Retos del diseñador audiovisual. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (22), 91 a 99.