La escucha expandida [sonido, tecnología, arte y contexto]

  • Jorge Haro
Keywords: Art; Design; experimentation; internet; listening; perception; sound; space; technology


The text goes into the situation of sound in the contemporary artistic production, taking as a turning point
the interaction between the new challenges for the perception and utilization of digital media production. To achieve this, the need of a new way of perceptive approximation is investigated, taking as a
referent the morphological studies by Peter Schaeffer and recent trends based on the physical perception
of sound. These issues concerning listening are related to the new technological paradigms: the programming conditionings by objects, the generating systems, the free, open code software, the compositions
based on digital error and its derivations in random or partially defined processes, etc.
It also refers to the real time and deferred assistance systems in the Internet and the implications of the net
as a means of spreading, selling and distributing the work and issues concerning the new expressive forms
of sound are considered and the role of space as for sound.


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How to Cite
Haro, J. (2019). La escucha expandida [sonido, tecnología, arte y contexto]. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (20), 41 a 48.