El Virus de la Destrucción, o la defensa de lo inútil

  • Enrique Rivera Gallardo
Keywords: neo-ruralism; P2P; free culture; media art; ubiquity


Is science and culture a commodity?, Have we transformed what once was sacred –or a symbol of the domination by the religion–, in a new tool for collective control? Is techno-science a field slave of free market to subvert the masses, rather than to generate social significant operations? Film, art, video games, the technical image as it would be called by Vilem Flusser, in relation to Paul Virilio dromology and liquid modernity of Zygmunt Bauman, show a series of techno-political conditions that determine the hybrid military technology and society, where language is a kind of destructive virus, where the useless and the voluntary suspension of logic seem in this context, the only temporary autonomous zones of common sense.

How to Cite
Rivera Gallardo, E. (2019). El Virus de la Destrucción, o la defensa de lo inútil. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (51), 95 a 107. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi51.1653