El cine en Borges

  • Alberto Farina
Keywords: appointments; circularity; cosmogony; Labyrinths; mirrors; mounting; scenes; synthesis


Besides the transpositions and Borges quotes in movies by Torre Nilsson, Saura, Mick Jagger, Scorsese, Godard, Christensen, Bertolucci, Hugo Santiago, Chabrol, Bielinsky, Mugica, Cozarinsky, Javier Torre, Bauer, Narcisa Hirsch or Desanzo; we find the opinions of Borges as cinematographic critic on Groucho Marx, Eisenstein, Ford, Soffici, Orson Welles, Hitchcock, the dubbing, the argentine cinema; its preference for westerns and gangsters movies by the viennese baroque Von Sternberg - perhaps Hollywood relatives of its porteños cutlers-, and his work like scriptwriter. Defender of classic cinema instead of “new cinema” that was interested in him, Borges made cinema from its literature. The model, grammar or narrative
system of cinema (¿magic?) that orders chaos in the frame and the mounting get through his work, oriented as well forward projected worlds and revealing mirages.


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How to Cite
Farina, A. (2019). El cine en Borges. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (27), 25 a 42. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi27.1684