Imágenes opacas. La realidad a través de la máquina surrealista o el desplazamiento de la visión clara

  • Viviana Suárez
Keywords: anamorfismo; emotion; mimesis; retardation; retinal; subjectivity; vision


I call opacity to certain questionings or confusions in the representative estate of the photographic printed
image, more indeed concerning its reproduction of reality.
We will concentrate in three ideas developed by Marcel Duchamp that in our opinion, distort the principles on which
they essentially rest the credibility of the image like guarantor of an objective representation of reality. In center of this
questioning we will place the conception of automatic mimesis that hides subjectivity. We analyze how such procedures
- the anamorfosis of the object, deferment or retardation and the descentramiento of oculocentrismo- works on the morphologic constituent characteristics of figure-representation of the space proposing a passioned deliberate construction
of the real thing by the subjective thing,


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How to Cite
Suárez, V. (2019). Imágenes opacas. La realidad a través de la máquina surrealista o el desplazamiento de la visión clara. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (27), 121-132.

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