La tecnología se sepulta a sí misma

  • Augusto Zanela
Keywords: digitalis; education; image; photograph; schism; technology


This exercise of descriptive writing could be interpreted, of some way, as an attempt to freeze a moment (as in a photography) of historical confusion, that quickly forgets or leaves all that is unregistered and if registered will happen to be one more of those many things that on a daily basis ask to shouts that we render to them a little attention in the middle of an universe of stimulation whereupon we coexisted. Or also, as it would deal with things of the past, could be read as a possibility of bringing to present a series of stamps that would allow us to recreate the history of a certain character who involves other ones history. It would be something like plunge in a photo album to reconstruct the script of its life to undertake the one of its social group. Text has been organized inshort chapters, that were entitled by our character’s age to the moment at which the experience is narrated, that may not be chronological, and that in case of turning on general questions of its life, like for example the origin country, can directly take the name of the subject that is boarded.


How to Cite
Zanela, A. (2019). La tecnología se sepulta a sí misma. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (27), 147-159.