Abstracción y expresión. Una reflexión de base filosófica sobre los procesos de diseño

  • Sandra Navarrete
Keywords: abstraction; expression; intuitive knowledge; projective design; teachinglearning practice


The roots of creative activity is a topic not much discussed in the design professional field. It is said that the design process is based on the theoretical knowledge if it is rational and denies it if it is intuitive. It is claimed that the theory limits creativity. To understand the origin of this position, it is necessary to approach the discipline that studies human thought: philosophy. In different philosophical schools, from the origins of Western culture, there has been talk of reason and intuition, from the abstract and expressive. Plato marks the beginning of the abstract tendency, with its conception of the IDEA. Aristotle is the philosopher who adds the substance to the idea, which is perceived by the senses. Thus, from classical antiquity, were defined the two basic lines of thought that explain the fundamental difference in the two positions of design: abstract and expressive. Without doubt, the division is explained in philosophical thought, but why designers are inclined to one of these two positions? It is essential to investigate the psychological basis that predispose people to act in a rational or intuitive way. Jung’s theory, is of great importance in this thoughtful proposal to open new perspectives. Jung added to the reasonintuition
duality two new drivers, also present in the design: sensation and feeling. With this basic approach to philosophy and psychology we can understand a complex reality of design: it has a rational position, which takes theoretical knowledge as inspiration and other proposals are inclined by the senses, and therefore denied it, considered “intuitive”. This division is a constant that is evident in the teaching-learning and professional practice. Hence, the great difficulty that arises in the construction of the design epistemological basis. It is very important to recognize that theoretical knowledge is supporting
both design trends (the abstract and expressive), to bring the design to the field of disciplines able to define their own theoretical and scientific basis.


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How to Cite
Navarrete, S. (2019). Abstracción y expresión. Una reflexión de base filosófica sobre los procesos de diseño. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (49), 23 a 37. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v49i49.1701