Diseño centrado en el sujeto: una visión holística del diseño rumbo a la responsabilidad social

  • Denise Dantas
Keywords: Design; holistic; human; responsibility; sustainability


This essay presents the human-centered design approach as imperative to consolidate the design activity as essentially related to human needs. It discusses paradigm shifts that have occurred in the design activity over the two last centuries, from artistic activity to technical activity linked to production and, finally, marketing as a tool for consolidating contemporary brands. It demonstrates how a more holistic view of the design field is able to highlight its inherent characteristics, such as the ability to design for a better quality of life, with social responsibility and sustainability. Finally, it concludes considering
the importance of changing the object’s central role in the design process and bringing back the human being as the focus of this process in order to promote the practice of a socially responsible design.


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How to Cite
Dantas, D. (2019). Diseño centrado en el sujeto: una visión holística del diseño rumbo a la responsabilidad social. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (49), 51 a 61. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.v49i49.1705