Comunicación y liderazgo: sin comunicación no hay líder

  • Marcelino Garay Madariaga
Keywords: audience; emotional intelligence; Institutional Communication; leadership; messages; Organizational Communication; public; Public Relations; stakeholders


In this article the author reflects about the mutual dependence between communication and leadership, approaching disciplines like emotional intelligence, mental resonance,
empathy, knowledge territories and shared spaces of meaning. For this, the author applies certain “mental patterns” which are often visible in the resistance to assume the changes promoted
by the organization. In those cases, when mental patterns are tacit, communication become
fundamental to effective leadership management contributing at the same time to diminish
chances of internal conflicts. In addition, leader profile relevance is stand out in the article,
considering that his management performance has to generate resonance and credibility in his
partners. In order to sustain this proposal, the author explores the field of emotional intelligence tying it with communications. Finally, the objective is that leader integrity contributes to the
organization communicational process making possible to structure the emission of messages
on a confidence context basis that favours audience positive and effective reception.


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How to Cite
Garay Madariaga, M. (2019). Comunicación y liderazgo: sin comunicación no hay líder. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (33), 61 a 72.