Las relaciones públicas y la mentira: ¿inseparables?

  • Gustavo Adrián Pedace
Keywords: communication people; Corporate communications; corporate reputation; Dircom ; institutional communication; management communication; Public Relations; spokesperson


This article retakes and recreates the debate installed for some years in the public relations industry, as much at local level as international, about the necessity to incorporate lying as a resource to professional exercise. For it, it reflects around the bases of the profession and reviews diverse postulates in relation to lying from different perspective like sociological, philosophical and theological; tying these with the basic elements of the communicational scheme and with the figure of the corporate spoke person.


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How to Cite
Pedace, G. A. (2019). Las relaciones públicas y la mentira: ¿inseparables?. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (35), 107 a 116.