Hacia las fronteras de la hiperrealidad social

  • Fernando Luis Rolando Badell
Keywords: awareness; cyberspace; evolution; graphical interphase; hyperreality; mathematization; mutation; object; observer; relation; sensitivity; simulation; social framework ; virtual networks; ways; web 2.0; web 3.0.


The article focuses in the influence of virtuality in the real world, and considers the present stage on computing alphabetization, the interphase-user and the interface-spectator relations and how they have been changing in order to facilitate the social massive access to the new media, in a space known as cyberspace or hyperspace. The author intention is to analyze the interphase from its genesis, trying to explain the binary world and the ways to build the social hyperreality, and how it can affect the human being, who is influenced by the interaction with virtual reality that operates on the other side of the screens.


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How to Cite
Rolando Badell, F. L. (2019). Hacia las fronteras de la hiperrealidad social. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (39), 99 a 110. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi39.1761