El autor: instrucciones de uso

  • Viviana Suarez
Keywords: anonymus; author; intertextuality; objectivity; realism; simulation; subjective


In the new horizon of work production, the figure of the author appears as an amalgam of images that have been deposited through a labyrinth of manifestos, policies and activities that become the history of art and design, mainly in the last 100 years. Far from being clarified, the scenario of the last two decades has been blurred with the development of the new technological media. The author never has been an easy character to carry on; from his appearance in the dawn of modernity and within the geographic, cultural and philosophical European territory. In peripheral territories like ours, the problematic get rich with the polarization of the concepts of identity and strangeness.


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Fernández, M. (2001). Una novela que comienza. Buenos Aires: Corregidor.

Foucault, M. (2008). El orden del discurso (4ª ed.). Buenos Aires: Tusquets.

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Lamborghini, O. (2005). Tadeys. Buenos Aires: Sudamericana.

Proust, M. (2006). Contre Sainte-Beuve. Buenos Aires: Tusquets.

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Rocha, G. (1993, junio-julio). La estética del hambre. La caja. Revista de ensayo negro. (4) 26-27. La estética del sueño. La caja. Revista de ensayo negro. (4) 27.

Recursos Electrónicos

Compagnon, A. (2002). Que c’que ce l’auteur? Disponible en: http//www.fabula.org/compagnon/auteur.php. Recuperado el 12/02/2010.

Fernández, M. (2010). No toda es vigilia la de los ojos abiertos. Disponible en: http//www.seribd/doc/122811182/No-toda-es-vigilia-La-de-los-ojos-abiertos-Macedonio-Fernandez. Recuperado el: 13/03/2010.

Lamborghini, O. (1966). El fiord. Disponible en: http//www.catedras.fsoc.uba.ar/rubinich/biblioteca/web/alambor.html. Recuperado el 23/02/2010.

How to Cite
Suarez, V. (2019). El autor: instrucciones de uso. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (39), 163 a 178. https://doi.org/10.18682/cdc.vi39.1765

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