Consideración de la escritura narrativa como indagación de sí mismo

  • Gustavo Adolfo Aragón Holguín
Keywords: creativity; didactics; Literature; narrative; writing


This paper explores, from the standpoint of creative imagination, a particular type of fiction: self-narration. It is proposed that is a case of what Paula Carlino calls the emergence of writing as knowledge, ie, epistemological (as opposed to writing as a mnemonic or reproduction / verification of the given). We explore several cases of authors that stage of understanding phenomena that occur at the self-diegetic narrators, ie narrators who relate their own story. It examines the cases of the narrator Odysseus in Homer’s Odyssey, Marcel, In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust, the narrator of Gran Sertao: Veredas, by Joao Guimaraes Rosa and the project and intentionality underlying declarative novel Manuel Zapata Olivella, Xangó, the Great Whores. From each case examined, are postulated some of the functions that selfnarrative may have. Finally, we propose that this knowing option could be included in the investigative university work


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How to Cite
Aragón Holguín, G. A. (2019). Consideración de la escritura narrativa como indagación de sí mismo. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (43), 85 a 99.