Pararse derechita. El cuerpo y la pose en la fotografía de moda. Un análisis de producciones fotográficas de la revista Catalogue

  • Valeria Stefanini Zavallo
Keywords: body; Catalogue magazine; fashion photography; the pose; ways of representation


Since its inception, photography has been understood as the better way of representing reality. While these findings have changed over time and with the history of photography itself, understanding the picture as a document of an existing reality has never been abandoned. This affects in different ways every genre of photography. For fashion photography representation as a copy of reality can be thought from the use of the body and the use of the pose as the main resource for the display of the other.


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How to Cite
Stefanini Zavallo, V. (2019). Pararse derechita. El cuerpo y la pose en la fotografía de moda. Un análisis de producciones fotográficas de la revista Catalogue. Cuadernos Del Centro De Estudios De Diseño Y Comunicación, (47), 65 a 79.